Thursday, March 26, 2009


With Smoltz now on the right path and throwing a stunning bullpen session, The question now is who takes the spots in the starting rotation? In the 5 man rotation, we know that 3 spots are taken up by Josh Beckett, Jon Lester and Daisuke Matsuzaka. Thus, leaving Tim Wakefield, Brad Penny, Clay Buchholz and John Smoltz fighting for the last 2 spots. Smoltz, we know will not be ready to go until mid to late May, if his rehab goes well. Now we are down to 3. Buchholz has had an amazing spring, but have had trouble in the majors in the past, and I believe that may be held against him. If I were a betting man, Your opening day rotation will look like Beckett,Lester,Matsuzaka,Wakefield and Penny. But having a surplus of pitching is never a bad thing. As the old saying goes "You can never have too much pitching".

The Bullpen

One of the biggest improvements made over the off season was the bolstering of the bullpen. The stockpiling started when the Sox traded Coco Crisp to the royals for Ramon Ramirez. Ramirez will fit in perfectly with Manny Delcarmen in the middle relief. The Sox also took another gamble by signing Takashi Saito, the former Dodgers closer, who will help bridge the gap to Jonathan Papelbon. All and all, it looks like the Sox will have one of the most impressive bullpen in the game.

John almost ready for take off

(Photo Credit:
John Smoltz made a huge step in his recovery today, throwing a 40 pitch bullpen session. Smoltz had major reconstructive surgery on his shoulder last year, and is working on his comeback. The Sox gave the future hall of framer a $10 million dollar base salary, with loads of intensives. If Smoltz can comeback and be the pitcher that he has been for the last 20 years, then the Sox may have on there hands, one of the best pitching staffs that has ever been put together.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

All we are saying, is give Clay a chance!

(Photo Credit:
In one of the biggest surprises in the spring, Clay Buchholz has been lights out this spring. Over 19 innings, Clay is sporting an amazing 0.46 ERA and a 15/3 K/BB ratio. A performance like this can not be ignored. The only problem being that there does not seem to be any room in the rotation for Clay. It seems to be that people had such high expatriation for Clay after his no hitter 2 seasons ago, but faltered a little last year. I bet that the Rangers are kicking themselves now about not pulling the trigger on the trade for Clay last month.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

J.D. Down and Out?

(Picture Credit:
Hey do you know how the Sox are back in action again? J.D. Drew is harboring an injury already.In the game early today, J.D. was hit by a pitch in the hand and was taken out of the game. Terry Francona after the game said that Drew was heading for an X-ray. I smell a trip to the D.L. soon..

Starting Rotation

We now move on to the Starting Rotation, and this is what Red Sox Nation should be pumped for. This season it seems as if we have a stockpile of great arms in the rotation. Lets have a look.

Josh Beckett- Beckett will no doubt be looked at as the ace of this staff. Towards the end of last season and during the playoffs, Beckett was bothered by a strained oblique muscle that diminished the velocity on his fastball and was hit around. This spring he looks more like himself and will be huge for the Sox this season.

Jon Lester- The new stud in the rotation who carried this pitching staff in the playoffs. His stuff was electric last season and proved it by throwing a no hitter and finished among the tops in the league in wins and ERA. Lets see if he can prove himself to be one of the elite in this game.

Daisuke Matsuzaka- Dice-k was no doubt a heart attack for all of us last year, (How many times would he walk the bases loaded and get out of it?). If he can somehow find the strike zone and keep the pitch count low, I see a bright future for Matsuzaka.

Tim Wakefield- Oh, how we all have a soft spots in our hearts for Timmy. But, I think we have to realize he does not have much left in the tank. He is still good for eating innings but, I see him on the DL again or maybe moved to the bullpen by years end.

Brad Penny- In what maybe the steal of the century, if he stays healthy. Penny can be a dominating pitcher and could possibly be another ace in the deck for the Sox. But, Buyer Beware, Penny has already have to been shut down once this spring. Lets hope its not a sign of things to come.

Also look out for John Smoltz on the horizon as well... for more inside story's of the Sox, check out Boston Dirt Dogs.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Outfield

Continuing with my review of the team, we now move on the outfield positions.

Right Field- Probably one of the stickiest situations with the Red Sox is the right field possition, that is owned by J.D. Drew. Drew (When healthy), can be one of the best hitters in baseball when he is on. His swing is made for Fenway, and should be hitting balls off the monster all season long. But, we all know how injury prone J.D. is. This year more then ever, the Red Sox will need there $15 million worth.

Center Field- Jacoby, Jacoby, Jacoby. How well this team will do this year rest largely on the shoulders of Jacoby Ellsbury. If he can be the lead-off man/ base stealing machine we know that he can be, this offense can be dangerous. If not, then the Sox will have major problems.

Left Field- Jason Bay did a fantastic job coming in mid season last year, and was a run producing machine during the playoffs. It will be interesting how he fairs here in Boston for a full season. Fans should know he is no Manny, but is a sold player and will get you the R.B.I's you need.

Utility Outfielders- The off season signing of Rocco Baldelli may prove to be a steal if he can give solid back up to Drew and Bay when needed. Also the return of Mark Kotsay will be huge when he is done recovering from his neck surgery.

Hanging Up The Bloddy Sox

Curt Schilling called it a career today via his website . After a great career, and being known for quite possibly being the best postseason pitcher ever, the debate will start if Curt belongs in the Hall Of Fame. While his win total (216), leaves something to be desired,his sheer dominance of the postseason should be enough to carry him though. Red Sox nation will never forget his performance in the 2004 postseason, having 2 surgery's just to pitch, and delivering on his promise to bring a championship to Boston. Thanks for everything Curt, we will see you in the hall. (Photo credit :

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Infield

I will be breaking down position by position how the Sox are stacking up this year. First we will take a look at the infield.

1st Base- Obviously, this is very will covered. Last year Kevin Youkilis had a career year, finishing 3rd in the MVP race. He is more then solid with the glove and will have to have an even stronger year at the plate, due to the face that he will be hitting behind Ortiz and will need to give him some protection in the lineup. As far as a back up goes, this year look for Brad Wilkerson to get some playing time when Youk or Mike Lowell needs a day off.

2nd Base- When you have the reigning MVP at the helm, then there is nothing to complain about. Dustin Pedroia was nothing short (no pun intended),of amazing last year, and no doubt was a key piece of holding last years team together. No problems here.

3rd Base- Mike Lowell is going to have a lot to prove this year, coming off of nagging hip surgery during the off season. Expect Youk to move over to 3ed a lot this season to give Mike some day's off. I smell a big mid-season trade perhaps?

Shortstop- The most highly contested roster spot on the team this spring has to be shortstop. While myself and the rest of Red Sox nation would love to go with Jed Lowrie a shot, The organization had to go with the $10 million dollar man, Julio Lugo. Lugo went down half-way though spring training with a tare in his knee, so for the time being the job is Lowrie's. But, as soon as Lugo is healed, he will get the majority of the playing time.

Catcher- With all of the offseason drama done with Jason Varitek, He will again assume his normal catching/captain duties. Look for Tek to have a much better year at the plate this season, he was runing on fumes last year and combined with the fact that he will get more time off this year. The back-up situation has been strange. For the 2nd time, the Sox brought in Josh Bard, only to send him packing again. Look for George Kottaras to fill in. Don't be shocked if by the end of spring traning the sox pull the trigger on a deal for a new back up.

DH- Another big question this spring is will David Ortiz be David Ortiz again? After the alling wrist has healed, Ortiz looks to get his swing and power back. It will be intresting to see how this works out. If Youk can give Ortiz some pertection, it will take some of the heat off him, and let his swing come back.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My Beat

My beat that I choose was to fallow and analyze all of the news coming out of the Boston Red Sox spring training camp in Fort Myers, Florida. I chose this beat because I hope to one day work as a beat reporter, covering the Red Sox on a daily basis. Ever since I was a kid, this has been my dream job. I hope everyone will enjoy my take on the New England obsession that is the Red Sox.